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Membership Information

Please select your new membership category below. After filling out the form, click "Submit" to complete your application.

Please enter the name of the Shaare Tefillah member who recommended that you should become a member here. (If Applicable)

The breakdown of costs is as follows:

Membership Dues (family): $875
Membership Dues (single): $400
Building Fund Obligation: $5,600 payable over 6 years --
   $1000 for each of the first 5 years and $600 in the 6th year
Community Eruv Assessment (discretionary): $18
Community Mikvah Assessment (discretionary): $36

For those wishing to join as Associate Members, please note that this option will only be available to those residing outside of the Teaneck area, or to those who are Full Members of another local shul.

Annual Associate Membership Rate: $400

If you or your parents converted, please indicate when this took place and the name of the authorizing organization/person.

(check all that apply)

No one will be turned away from membership for financial reasons. Please contact Avi Goldin ( We will be happy to work with you to reach an arrangement concerning dues (including payment plans and discounts) in a completely private manner.  It is more important for you to be a part of our community as a member, and contribute what you can, than to not renew your membership at all.  We sincerely appreciate your support at whatever level you are able to give.

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Tue, January 21 2025 21 Tevet 5785